The Devil Is Trembling Because Of You!
Right when we felt like giving up, I heard giants screaming, yelling and trembling, shouting an alarm of fear throughout the enemy camp, declaring, "The people whose God brought them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and through the Wilderness, are now coming into our land."
I saw giant-like spiritual walls like Jericho shaking, ready to fall. I heard a voice, I believe the devil himself, shouting with fear and trembling, declaring, "If they continue to pray, there is no stopping them. We must stop them from praying or they will take the whole Land."
"When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below" Joshua 2:11 (NIV).
( Thank you James Nesbit for creating the vision I saw with the Tallit and Shofar. )
Ministry Update:
* CTN Television - Friday, July 29th 3-5pm
My son, Joel, and I will be interviewed separately on CTN Houston ( Christian Television of Houston, Texas ) Please pray the Lord be magnified.
* Eastgate Ministries Church - Sunday, July 31st 10am
10115 West Hidden Lakes Lane
Richmond, Texas 77406
Pastor Carolyn Sissom (281) 256-7137
* BridgePoint Church - Sunday, August 28th 10am
400 E Ninth Ave.
Tarentum, PA
Contact: Pastor Val Schubert (724) 671- 7580
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Blowing The Shofar Ministry
132 East North Ave.
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740